
Tips to be Beautiful Charming Like Arab Women

Tips to be Beautiful Charming Like Arab Women
Culture and belief make most Arab women do not show their beauty. But do not get me wrong, the beauty of Arab women is one that is considered exotic from all nations around the world. What's their secret? According to a study conducted by Clinique La Prairie in Switzerland, Arab women have the healthiest and youngest skin compared to women from other worlds. Here are some reasons.
1.  Healthy skin according to dress tradition, Arab women managed to protect the skin from damage. They also do not pay more attention to the process of browning the skin, because generally the color of the skin of women in the region is brownish. For them, it's better to stay in the house when the sun is blazing hot on the move.
2.  Dressed polite and closed, Most of the Arab women use hijab and cover the body for religious reasons, partly because of cultural reasons. This method proved to be impressed to protect the skin from drought due to heat and sun.
3.  Skin care comes from the world's wealthiest circles, Arab women are wise customers in choosing cosmetics. For them, the quality of care products is decisive even though they have to spend a lot of money. Arab women do not protect skin beauty by procedures such as botox, laser, and derma fillers.
4.  Foods in the Arab world tend to be processed from fresh ingredients and more natural than most of the Western world. The ranking of working women has little to do with the stress experienced by Arab women. Generally, Arab women live life more relaxed, they have many friends and eat slowly. This is another factor of wrinkling and aging more slowly perceived by Arab women.
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